Tuition is charged only for the days your child is scheduled to attend, so you do not pay for Hazel Drive school holidays and vacations.  We are open for Hampstead Central School's “Professional Development” and “Parent Conference” days when Hampstead Central School is closed.  We do our best to accommodate your Kindergartner or siblings on "Early Release" days.

Tuition rates are per hour and based on the schedule chosen.  

Please refer to the table below for rates.

A child who turns three by the tenth day of the billing cycle will be considered a three-year-old for billing purposes.

There is a 5% discount on tuition for all siblings who attend for 30 or more hours per week. 


Full Day (8 or more hours/day) 

Ages 3 and Up

No. of Days Per Hour
5 $6.50
4 $6.75
3 $7.00
2 $7.25
1 $7.50

Full Day (8 or more hours/day)

Ages 2 and under 

 No. of Days       Per Hour 
 5       $8.25
 4       $8.25
 3       $8.25
 2       $8.25
 1       $8.25


Mornings Only

No. of Days      Ages 3 and Up Per Hour      Ages 2 and Under Per Hour

1 - 5                  $8.50                                      $9.00


 Other Part-Day Schedules (includes afternoons, but fewer than 8 hours/day) 

 No. of Days     Ages 3 and Up Per Hour    Ages 2 and Under Per Hour       

 1 - 5                  $7.50                                  $8.25                                        

School Age Before/After School Per Hour

 No. of Days                Rate per Hour

 1 - 5                              $7.50 (Minimum charge ($5.00)              

Popular Options:

Morning Preschool 8:00 - 11:45

Ages 3 and Up - $32/day;  Add lunch time (12:30 pick-up) - $38/day

Ages 2 and Under - $34/day; Add lunch time (12:30 pick-up) - $41/day

Morning Preschool 8:30 - 12:30

Ages 3 and Up - $34/day

Ages 2 and Under - $36/day

Each billing period is two months and is billed one month in advance as follows:

  • August 1 – for September and October
  • October 1 – for November and December
  • December 1 – for January and February
  • February 1 – for March and April
  • April 1 – for May and June
  • June 1 - for Summer Camp 

Tuition is due on the first of the month or on the next school day if school is closed on the first. Flexible payment plans are available upon request.  Tuition may be paid in monthly, bi-weekly or weekly payments.  A processing fee of $2.50 will be added to each payment.  After a grace period of ten days there will be a charge of $5/day for late payments.

A two-month commitment is required.  Payment is expected for the entirety of each two-month billing period.   A child who is not scheduled for the entire two-month period will be considered a "Drop-In" and will be billed at a higher rate.  Drop-In care is an additional $1.00/hour above the regular rates for the schedule chosen, payable at drop-off, for children who are not committed to the two-month billing period.  Drop-Ins are required to submit all necessary paperwork and are subject to an enrollment fee of $65 per quarter.

Tuition is not refundable. There are no make-up days or refunds for days missed due to illness, family vacations, weather closings, power failures due to weather or other conditions beyond our control, termination of your child's enrollment or any other absences from your child's scheduled days. 

Switching of scheduled days or times is not permitted.


 "Extra Time"

 If you find you need to have your child attend on an unscheduled day or time, space permitting families are welcome to request "Extra Time."  Request forms can be provided by the teachers.  "Extra Time" requests are limited to three sessions at the same day and time per billing period.  As of the fourth request, your schedule will be changed for that billing period to reflect the extra day, and your bill will be adjusted for the remainer of the two-month period.

There is no limit on Extra Time for different days and times.